BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Meridian basic concepts > About industry-specific considerations > Understanding reference relationships

Understanding reference relationships

Choosing the right revision methodology is vital to managing reference relationships. There are two basic options for controlling reference relationships:

The following sections discuss each of these options and their ramifications on reference relationships. Regardless of the option used, the document history displayed in the Show Revisions dialog will be maintained as expected.

Note    When work areas are used, documents in the work area will resolve references only within the current work area and to the Main area. References will not resolve from one work area to another. Documents in the Main area will resolve only within the Main area.

Note When project copies are used, the last released master documents will continue to resolve to the other masters until the project copies are released as new master revisions. When the project copies are released, the master documents will resolve based on the revision methodology used to modify the project copy.

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About industry specific considerations

Using document workflow

Using derived documents

Understanding manufacturing document management

M Using work areas in manufacturing environments

Using library components in manufacturing environments

Understanding facilities document management

M Using work areas in facilities environments

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